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Assessment Reports

Comprehensive List Vendor Choice

Comprehensive List Vendor Choice.xlsm

  • This report provides all state assessment scores (OAKS and OSAS) for each student. The report is in list form and includes race and program data for each student. The score and performance category for each assessment is provided. Assessments include Math, Reading/English Language Arts, and Science.  

Comprehensive Student Summary

Comprehensive Student Summary.pdf

  • This individual student report displays a student's assessment scores for OAKS Mathematics, Reading & Literature, Science, and Writing.  Assessment scores for SBAC include Mathematics and English Language Arts. Strand or claim scores are provided in addition to the composite scores. Work sample results by strand are also included.  Additional assessments include ELPA, PSAT, and SAT.



  • This report is used to help identify students in need of additional assistance or intervention. This is a list report providing student-level data including demographics, program membership, attendance, discipline, OSAS and ELPA scores, formative assessments (such as iReady, easyCBM, and DIBELS), and marks and GPA where available.

Elementary Marks

Elementary Marks.xlsm

  • This report displays proficiency grading for selected students. This is a list report providing multiple rows for each student; one row per student mark. This report is designed to display marks for a group of students. To display marks for a single student, a student must be selected using the filter settings before running the report.

ELPA Details

ELPA Details.xlsm

  • This group report shows ELPA strand scores as well as the composite score (when available). In addition, the report shows student grade, race, ELL Status, previous year's ELPA overall level, and score for comparison. Additionally, the amount of growth is shown along with the exit date if the student has exited. The report summarizes the percent of students who make expected year-over-year growth and which students achieve a proficient level as shown in the table at the end. Staff can use this report to monitor the progress of the students for adequate progress. This is a student list report displaying one row of data for each student.

Essential Skills Deficiency Report

Essential Skills Deficiency.xlsx

  • This report shows whether a student has met each Essential Skills requirement and how the requirement was met. Where a student has not met an Essential Skill, the report indicates what work samples would be needed to meet the Essential Skill. 

Failure Watch List Report

Failure Watch.xlsx

  • This report provides an analysis of student course marks and identifies failed courses. The report provides marks received in core content areas for the selected school year. In addition, the report provides demographic and program membership data as well as attendance percentages. The report provides both individual student data and summary data. The summary data shows the number of students with failing marks by race/ethnicity, program, and gender.

Group Planning

Group Planning.xlsx

  • The report is designed to help identify students who are potentially at risk of not being successful academically. This is a student list report providing demographic data, program data, attendance, discipline data, GPA and failed courses (where applicable), and current and historical assessment data for OSAS, easyCBM, and DIBELS. 

Historical OSAS

Historical OSAS.xlsx

  • This student list report shows race, program status, and historical OSAT scores for a selected test type(s). The report is organized by the school. Staff can use this report to review historical performance on state assessments and to identify students who need to be targeted for interventions to ensure success on the assessment.

Migrant Education Report

Migrant Education Report.xlsx

  • This report provides a list of students by school. Included in the report for each student are days present and absent, EL and Special Education designations, most recent ELPA and OSAS composite score, and guardian name and contact information. The report returns data for all students filtered on. Migrant status is not included in the report.  Student filters must be set to only Migrant students prior to running the report if data on only Migrant students is desired.

OSAS 2 Score Comparison List

  • This report allows staff to compare student scores across two points in time. Users define what the two points are. It provides staff with a report that will show whether or not the student is making adequate progress over time and summarizes the growth for demographic groups of students in the summary table on the last page.

OSAS Composite and Strand Score Summary

OSAS Strand Summary.xlsx

  • Provides a summary report on OSAS assessments including high, low, and average composite scores and the number and percent of students scoring at each performance level for composite and claim scores.

OSAS Comprehensive Student

OSAS Comprehensive Student.xlsx

  • This report provides the student with a printout of the OSAT scores he or she has taken by year/grade showing both composite scores and strand scores. Staff can use this to see what areas the student needs to work on within an assessment. The indication is there even though strand scores are not statistically accurate. It could be used in an advisory capacity to help a student see how they are making progress. It could also be helpful for parent communication and informing new schools.

OSAS Disaggregate Group Report

OSAS Disaggregate.xlsx

  • This report provides the number and percent of students by performance level on the OSAS assessment. The data is disaggregated by the school, gender, ethnicity, race, and program membership. 

Permanent Record Report For Elementary 

  • Individual student-level report providing student’s marks, program memberships, enrollment history, attendance, and assessment data. 

Permanent Record Report For Middle and High School

Permanent Record Report for Middle and High School.pdf

  • Individual student-level report providing student’s marks, program memberships, schedules, and attendance.

Student Course Marks

Student Course Marks.xlsm

  • This student list report provides individual student grades by semester and subject area. The report also includes primary race/ethnicity, gender, program membership, GPA, and attendance percentage. The student-level data is grouped by the school. Summary data is provided for all students and disaggregated by race/ethnicity, gender, and risk level.

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