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Attendance FAQ

Why doesn’t the attendance from my student information system match the Attender Dashboard or the Regular Attenders metric?

The Attender Dashboard and the Regular Attenders metric compare regular attenders and chronically absent students. Regular attenders are students with an attendance rate of >90%. Chronically absent students are those with an attendance rate of <=90%. Your student information system is probably using cumulative calculations.

Why is the attendance percentage different for the Attendance Percent Metric and the Regular Attenders Metric?

The Attendance Percent metric displays the total attendance percent for all students for the selected period. Attendance percent is calculated by the sum of the attendance value (0 for absent all day, 0.5 for an absent half day, and 1.0 for those present all day) for each student for each day divided by the total number of days that attendance was taken for each student. Period attendance is converted to AM, PM, or Full-day absence before inclusion in the percent calculation.


Student Name

Attendance Percent

Enrollment Days

Days Present

Gibbs, Edgar




Andrews, Sadie




Matthews, Cody




Moody, Virgil




Barber, Robin




Total days



Average Daily Attendance: Total Days Present / Total Days Enrolled for all students

739/840 = 88%

The Regular Attenders metric compares regular attenders and chronically absent students. Regular attenders are students with an attendance rate of >90%. Chronically absent students are those with an attendance rate of <=90%.

Student Name

Attendance Percent

Gibbs, Edgar


Andrews, Sadie


Matthews, Cody


Moody, Virgil


Barber, Robin


Regular Attenders Rate: Number of students with >90% Attendance/Total number of students 3/5 = 60%

On the Attender Dashboard, what’s the difference between;

  • Cohort Trend - shows the percent of regular attenders for all students currently enrolled in your school or district. Attendance is from the first day of enrollment to the current date. Regular attender rates for the past 30, 60, and 90 days are also displayed.

  • Historical Trend - compares regular attender rates from the beginning of the school year to the current point in time for the current year and past years.

  • State Accountability - estimates the regular attenders rate for the current year based on the accountability rules for District or School Profiles Details sheet (includes students with a minimum of 75 days enrollment and enrolled on the first school day in May; calculated from the beginning of the school year to May 1). Historical data provided is from the ODE Accountability Details report for Regular Attenders.

Is the attendance in the Oregon Data Suite the same as state reporting?

No! It’s important to know that when we calculate attendance, we look at all of the students you have filtered on. We don’t use the same criteria that ODE uses for state reporting. Our attendance will look different from what you report from your SIS to ODE.

For more information about how ODE calculates attendance, please view the Oregon Student Membership Manual.

When I enter Date Range dates on the Teacher or District Dashboard, why doesn’t it change the data for the Regular Attenders metric?

The Date Range filter works with all of the attendance metrics except the Regular Attenders metric because of how it’s calculated. To view more information about your regular attenders, (district, school, grade, and demographic information) go to the Attender Dashboard.

How are attendance reports calculated?

Our attendance reports are currently calculated using cumulative attendance rates.

How is attendance calculated for the Nudge Letter?

The attendance for the Nudge letters is calculated for each student and uses cumulative year-to-date attendance.

Can I print from the Attender Dashboard?

At this time you would need to take a screenshot of the page or use a print page option. We hope to have printing options available to you soon.

How can I check the absence codes you have?

Go to Admin > District Management > Code Mapping, click on ‘Absence Codes’, edit anything you see in red that says ‘unmapped’ by clicking on ‘edit’ and selecting your changes from the drop-down list and select ‘Update’ to complete the change. This will assure that your data is displaying correctly in the Oregon Data Suite. Codes that are not mapped will not display in the dashboard metrics. Changes will be updated with the next build. For some districts, this has already been completed by your Student Information System (SIS).

Attendance Resources:

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