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Custom Assessments End School Year & Test Offerings

Now when you create or edit an assessment, you have the option of adding an ‘End School Year’ value. If you choose to “retire“ an assessment, you would select select the appropriate ‘End School Year' year value. If you leave the ‘End School Year’ set to ‘None’, your assessment will be visible in the current year, you will just need to add additional ‘Offerings' dates. Go to the Data Entry page and select ‘Create New Test’ or 'Edit Existing Test’ to make an adjustments.

When you search for an assessment, the year will be filtered against the school year of the Offering Date.

If you make any changes to an assessment, it will affect that assessment for all years between the ‘Begin School Year' and the 'End School Year’. Because of this, at times it may be necessary to retire a particular Assessment, and create a new one.

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