Pilot/Test Reports
Attendance Summary By Period
Attendance Summary By Period.xlsx
Provides attendance rate by period aggregated by the school, course subject, and course.
Co-Housed Students Report
This student-level report finds students with the same address or with shared custodial contact for the student(s) selected from the student filter population. This report is designed to help school districts identify cohorts for returning to school for in-person instruction.
Student Shared Courses
To assist with contact tracing, select one or all students and generate a list of students that one student has classes. This report provides the guardian contact information for each student coming in contact with the specified student. The student list is derived from the student information on scheduled courses. To include student contact for bus routes and lunch periods, these need to be scheduled as courses in the SIS.
Student Test Score
This student list report provides formative and summative assessment data for each student for multiple years, subject areas, and test vendors. Data provided is based on selected Test School Years, Test Vendors, and Test Subjects.