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Success Dashboard FAQ

Where does the data come from?

The data comes from publicly available media files posted on the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) website.

Can I see my math scores?

The data available reflects the performance growth indicators for SIA plans. Math performance data will be added in a future release.

Can I print the individual metric?

At this time the full page for summary data can be printed in either portrait or landscape formats. The ability to print individual metrics is under development.

Can I download the data?

The ability to download the data is under development.

How come there is no data showing for the current year?

As data is released by ODE it is uploaded into the Oregon Data Suite (ODS). Data for SIA indicators isn’t available until the following school year.

Why isn't data showing for some of the student groups?

Some data is suppressed by ODE based on the number of students or the performance percentage. (Less than 5% or greater than 95%)

Can I add my district performance targets to the projections?

The ability to add district performance targets is under development.

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