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Understanding and Resolving Student Access Issues in Progress Monitoring

In the Progress Monitoring section of ODS, users may occasionally encounter a scenario where they can view information about students from other schools, even when their account settings under the "Access to Students" tab in Admin → Account Settings do not permit access to the schools in question. This article explains the cause of this issue and provides a solution to ensure that users only have access to relevant student data.

Cause of the Issue
The root of this issue lies in the intention behind how the student filter was designed to work. By default, when giving a user accesss to to school in the “Access to Students” tab, they will have access to any students who attended to the school in the past five years while prohibiting access to new data events. This extended access can lead to situations where users are able to see data for students who have since moved to different schools. It is important to note that while users can see some historical data for these students, they do not gain access to new data events, such as a Section 504 enrollment at the new school. This access to historical data, however, can still be confusing and may not be relevant to the user's current needs.

To address this issue, users need to adjust their student filter settings. The goal is to refine the filter in question to include only students who are currently enrolled at the user's current school. By doing this, the user-created filter will exclude students who previously attended the school but are no longer enrolled there. This adjustment ensures that users have access only to the most relevant and current student data.

Steps to Adjust the Student Filter:

  1. Access the Student Filter Settings: Navigate to the Progress Monitoring module in ODS, and select the pencil next to the filter that requires adjustment.

  2. Modify Filter Criteria: Adjust the filter criteria to include only students who are currently enrolled at your school. This requires modifying both the When? and Schools portion of the filter.

  3. Save Changes: After making the necessary adjustments, save the changes to ensure that the new filter settings take effect.

  4. Verify the Filter Settings: To confirm that the filter is working as intended, review the list of students accessible through your account. There should no longer be students from other schools who are not currently enrolled at your school.

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