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Early Indicator & Intervention System (EIIS) FAQs

How will an Early Indicator & Intervention System benefit my teachers?

Teachers can easily view student assessment scores, attendance, discipline, and course performance data to identify students that are At Risk of academic failure. Individual student pages can also be created so teachers can share information with parents. Teacher and student pages are completely customizable to meet your district's needs.

How will it benefit my Administrators?

Administrators will be able to easily view the information by district, building, grade, or student with the ability to filter by demographics and program enrollment to help identify students At Risk of academic failure.

What if I am using SWIS for discipline?

We can bring SWIS data in for any or all schools within your district.

Where does the information come from?

We import data from your student information system nightly. OSAS and Smarter Balanced scores are uploaded nightly from ODE. When possible, we try to automate data imports from our 3rd party vendors.  Currently, these include AIMSWeb, easyCBM, DIBELS, i-Ready, STAR, SWIS, DESSA, HMH Math and Reading Inventory, WorkKeys, and NWEA MAPS!

What happens when a new student enters my district or leaves? 

When a new student enters your district, the student will appear in the Early Indicator & Intervention System the day after the enrollment date. Once you run your SSID upload, OAKS, Smarter Balanced, and ELPA scores will be available; this process usually takes about 3 days. When a student withdrawals from your district, they will show as inactive students on the day after the withdrawal date.

Can my measure groups have different Key Performance Indicator settings?

Yes, you can create as many as you need. They can be by a school or grade.

How would I show student growth?

You can show growth for a group of students by changing the event year filter at the top of the page to see how these same students performed the previous years.

You can show growth for individual students from the multi-year metrics available on the individual student page.

We use easyCBM as an assessment.  Can that be included in EIIS?

We work with several 3rd party vendors, DIBELS, easyCBM, STAR, i-Ready, DESSA, NWEA MAPS, and HMH Math and Reading Inventory. Vendor Release Link

How can I track students at risk?

You can now set up unlimited Key Performance Indicators and set thresholds at a building or grade level.  This allows your district to track attendance, behavior, and course performance to help identify students that are at risk.

Which Incidents are counted when I set up Behavior KPI Settings? 

The Incident Counts indicator counts all incidents including all major and minor incidents.

The Suspension/Expulsion indicator counts both in-school and out-of-school suspensions and expulsions.

When I look at the Ds & Failed Marks or Failed Marks, which ones are being included?

For the Ds & Failed Marks or Failed Marks, the last issued grade, whether it is an interim progress mark, final grade, or Synergy gradebook mark will be counted, but not both, for all courses.

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